Supply and manage collection bins
- Reverse logistics programs to help retailers redirect merchandise from stores and distribution centres.
- Supply in-store fashion collection boxes and back of house collection bins.
- Nationwide management.

- On-call collection services (7 days) .
- Pickup service nationwide.
- Secure and comprehensive 100% tracking systems for collection and disposal for all items.
- Tailored reuse/repurpose disposal models diverting 100% of garment waste from landfill.
- Hand sorted and graded for distribution to domestic or international communities and charities.

Our relationship
- Promote corporate responsibility by facilitating charitable, social and environmental benefits of sustainable recycling.
- Trusted partner in client garment disposal requirements.
- Promote incentivised programs with partnered Australian charity foundations.

Our Model
- Long term partnered approach.
- ESG value and corporate responsibility.
- Community and charity based ethos. Since 2012, our founding company B&B Rags, supports and is affiliated with charity organisations both domestically and internationally. We are a recognised community services provider.
Why work
With Us

Best practise solutions
We tailor and customise our clothing collection solutions & programs, with our clients and in-turn find that we bring out the best in practise guidelines for the servicing and maintenance of our mutual programs.

Our industry experience
Since 2009, our founders of the business and our experienced staff, bring several years of industry practise, dedication and knowhow. Over the years, we have formed close relationships with service providers, private organisations, schools, churches and charities of whom today we regard as an extension to our family and business today.

Our continued support
We work directly with our client programs, charities and communities in providing sustainable income streams to their initiatives and drives. Supporting a variety of initiatives, communities, etc etc

Real time data and transparency
We invest in real-time data across our business from collection to the final destination. Our purpose built customised platforms audits and tracks all the items we collect providing transparency and real-time data across the value chain.
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